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Biography of Robert Smalls


Robert Smalls Leadership Academy is named for an ex-slave who became a Congressman representing Beaufort, South Carolina. During his entire political career, Robert Smalls fought for equal, comprehensive and compulsive education for African American children. To commemorate his dedication to the education of Beaufort County children, Robert Smalls School was built in 1925, ten years after his death. In addition to being an advocate for the education of Beaufort County children, Mr. Smalls was also a Major General in the militia - hence the mascot for the school is "The Generals". For more information on the history of Robert Smalls School, check out the reunion pages.

From The Lowcountry & Resort Islands Tourism Commission, visit Beaufort's Hero Robert Smalls & Tabernacle Baptist Church website. Explore Beaufort covers the Hollywood Movie Finally Being Made About Robert Smalls. The South Carolina Museum has an exhibit: South Carolina Superheroes: Robert Smalls. Read the Island Packet Society May Be Tearing Down Statues But Beaufort Ought To Put One Up For This Educator. From "The State", Legistators Want a Monument to Robert Smalls. His Great-Grandson Knows Why. Watch this video on Facebook about the Anniversary of Robert Smalls Death is February 23, and check out Dr. Henry Gates visit to the Tabernacle Baptist Church.